Liam and Annie ♥ Liam & Annie অনুরাগী ফোরাম chat ♥

armorfan posted on Jul 20, 2010 at 09:49PM
For the fans of this amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =)

So basically this forum is to come and talk to Lannie fans. You can talk about whatever you want. say your name and Í'm gonna make a list here of the regular users and there real names so if your new you can see who everyone is.

•armorfan (Mary)
•_Chryso_ (Chryso)
•MaryElizabeth (Mary)
•Melissa93 (Melissa)
•Queenst (Anna)
•DamonElenaFan (Natalia - Naty)
•BrennanBoothfan (Rachel)
•BuffyAngelfan (Katie)
•BlairChuckFan (Alexis)
•mushroom918 (Yuki)
•karlswen (Karly)
•irina_kirs (Irina)
•ilyria (Amanda)
•Darya96 (Darya)
•tvfan5 (Steph)
•caly10 (Leen)
•lanniefan (Miley)
•Joylover23 (Katie)
•sidney_sunny (Sidney)
•Crazy_LA_FAN (Lorena)
 For the অনুরাগী of this amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =) So basically this for
last edited on Sep 25, 2010 at 10:17AM

Liam and Annie 2479 উত্তর

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বছরখানেক আগে Queenst said…
LMAO , just read some comments about Annie/Charlie picture , people write they look soooo cute together :D , and you know who they are ? Of course Liomi fans! :D
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
lol , why I'm not even surprised that they liked them ? ... Probably because if I would saw Naomi/?Charlie or Naomi/Jasper pic , I would say exactly the same :P They are so cute and meant to be together 4EVA :D
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বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
I hate how writers made Annie look like "obsessed with boys" :S I'm not even going to say how awful they look together , I think it's obvious!

WORD! Charlie is just NOT a guy for Annie at all , I will definitely fast forward this scene , because this just make me wanna puke :S He better go after Naomi , she never had such type of guys on this show , isn't it unfair ? :D
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বছরখানেক আগে Queenst said…
How do you think will annie sleep with Charlie ? *puke*
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
Oh , God , I hope no! I still have faith that Liam will interrupt her , or slap her head in appropriate moment , so that her brains started finally to work , and I actually don't believe that Annie WANTS it , those sides just said that Naomi will give to her this "advice" , I haven't seen that Annie said "I can't wait for that moment" or "I'm so in love with Charlie" , my guess is that Charlie wanted to sleep with her and she maybe refused , now she just asks naomi for advise , but IMO it's obviously that she isn't sure about what she wants ;/
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
oh , please , somebody help , what's written here :
this long word , what does it mean ?
 oh , please , somebody help , what's written here : this long word , what does it mean ?
বছরখানেক আগে Queenst said…
big smile
And off Annie ...... sex with Charlie :D
Did I help you ? :p sorry , I would like to know too :)
বছরখানেক আগে Queenst said…
......plating ? :o last letters?
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
I can't understand are there two or one letter after "t" ?
16 letters in one word ? hmm ... I definitely don't know this word :D
I don't think it finishes with "ting" , there is another letter between "t" and "i" ! :D
বছরখানেক আগে Queenst said…
maybe "twing" ? first letter is "a" ?
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
LMAO , I don't know , if you ask me it doesn't really looks like "a" more like "g" :D
I guess we need to wait for a person who knows english better :D
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
The word you guys are looking for there is "contemplating" - meaning she's certainly thinking about having sex with him.

Ugh. Well, Annie looks GORGEOUS in those photos, but all of this is just breaking my heart. I'd like to think she's falling so fast for Charlie because she's forcing herself to. I mean think about it - feelings for somebody don't just go away over night. I think she still has strong feelings for Liam, but there are reasons she believes they shouldn't be together. So she finds someone else and tries desperately to fall in love with him, to erase her feelings for Liam. But it won't be that easy. It just can't be. If it is, then SHAME ON THE WRITERS for writing such a lousy, pointless SL for these two.

Keep the faith guys. Do you really think they would have hinted at Lannie in season 1...had Annie be the one Naomi thought Liam slept with...had Liam even bother to apologize to Annie about everything halfway through season 2...had Liam and Annie form a friendship...had them realize they had feelings for each other...had them kiss twice...left them both with broken hearts...and will have them jealous of Charlie and Laura...all for NOTHING? I refuse to believe the writers suck THAT MUCH. I know it's possible, but...
বছরখানেক আগে tvfan5 said…
YUCK. No comment on the pictures. Annie does look gorgeous in them though.
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
Thanks for translation Amanda :D
that sucks ;( ... I mean I know that their build up wasn't made for nothing and I know that they ARE going to be together , but I just HATE how writers are develoving their relationships untill that moment. IDK , I just thought it will be in different way - they'll break up , maybe even ignore each other for a while , but NOT fall in love with other guy after one day of meeting , this storyline just stinks ;( ... i just hate how writers destroy everything I actually loved about Annie : her endurance ,patience ,uderstanding , mind , she never was boys hunter ... what the hell happened ? I'm just dissapointed with writers , I still ADORE Lannie and always will ship them , but how fast Annie turned to Charlie (especially if she knows he's Liam's brother) doesn't look good , just not for my dream girl for Liam :p!
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
I just wanted their story to be perfect , but on 90210 it just can't happen , they always create something that damages whole image about something so AWESOME as Lannie!

Well , I'm not going to be so depressed anymore , because we aren't sure about what exactlly writers created for Lannie , so let's hope that everything will be fine :)
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
I know what you mean. They will get back together - I'm just hoping that the writers come up with something EPIC to reunite them. Otherwise, after this whole falling-for-Charlie mess, it might not seem as realistic if they just suddenly fall into each other's arms again.

I'm honestly thinking of writing a fan fiction and creating my own season 3. That way I'll get exactly what I want! :D
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
big smile
I'm honestly thinking of writing a fan fiction and creating my own season 3. That way I'll get exactly what I want! :D

Ow , you should , I'll definitely read it , at least in your story ending will be EPIC :D(I hope they'll stay together?!) :D

I'm just hoping that the writers come up with something EPIC to reunite them.

For me the problem is that I don't want to see just EPIC reunite , I want to see angst,jealousy,fight,secret relationships/dates maybe , not just ILY at the end of the season , which actually will come out of nowhere and will be random , that won't be good ending , especially if it's last season ;(

We need Lannies scenes , A LOT of them , DO YOU HEAR IT WRITERS?????
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
big smile
Take it easy guys , less than Liomi had scenes in second season , I don't think we can get :p

Taking in consideration fact that everyone admited that Lannie have much deeper connection and have better chances at being long-lasting couple (Matt's words) , I may say that we probably will get some scenes ( not many of course , because for us Lannie just can't be enough :D)
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বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
Now we know what it must have felt like for Liomi fans back in season 2, waiting half a year for them to get back together. Liam and Naomi hardly had any scenes together. He got with Ivy, she got with that college guy (Jamie?). I was not even close to being a Liomi shipper at the time I was watching all of that, but I remembered thinking how infuriating it must have been for the fans. Now they are doing it to US! C'mon, writers, don't be so predictable. Don't do the same thing to Lannie that you did to Liomi. Look how that turned out.

I want to see angst,jealousy,fight,secret relationships/dates maybe , not just ILY at the end of the season

WORD. I want to know, the entire time that Annie is with Charlie and Liam is doing whatever he is doing with Laura, that they still want each other. I want them to sneak looks at each other when they think the other isn't looking. I want Liam to be angry every time he sees Annie with Charlie. I want Annie to be concerned about Liam associating himself with someone like Laura. I think what would be the most amazing thing, and this is on our Wish List, would be a double date with Liam/Laura and Annie/Charlie. There could be so much potential there for angst and jealousy. But it most likely won't happen.

If I do write a fan fiction, I'm gonna fill it with so much angst/jealousy/fighting you won't even be able to handle it! :P
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
big smile
If I do write a fan fiction, I'm gonna fill it with so much angst/jealousy/fighting you won't even be able to handle it! :P

Doņ't tease :)))) I already can't wait to read it , at least in your fanfic our dreams can come true :)
but maybe our writers aren't so hopeless , and they are thinking in same direction as we (for future)? :)
I agree about double date , I would like them to have same scene as Ade had with Teddy while they were on double date with NavAde and Teddy+random girl :))(do you remember that -"wall kissing") :D
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বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
big smile
I agree about double date , I would like them to have same scene as Ade had with Teddy while they were on double date with NavAde and Teddy+random girl

yeah , I remember , it was hot , Lannie need something similar . But I actually have doubts that Liam will be in delight from double date idea - since he hate Charlie and likes Annie :D
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
When do you think Annie will find out about Charlie/Liam ? :/
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
But I actually have doubts that Liam will be in delight from double date idea - since he hate Charlie and likes Annie :D

See, I think he would LOVE the idea. In fact, I think he'd be the one to suggest it. He would not only be able to use Laura like crazy to try and make Annie jealous, but it would also hurt Annie, because that would be like him saying that he didn't care about her anymore and that it doesn't bother him she's with someone else. I've already written that scene in my head. :P Maybe I'll write a one-shot of a double date scenario!
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
^ yeah , I agree , why would he be against ? :p I would LOVE to see Annie explode like "Volcano" :p

When do you think Annie will find out about Charlie/Liam ? :/
Actually I don't think that she knows it even in 9th episode , you may call me "crazy" , but I can't just accept that Annie will be OK with dating/liking two brothers :/
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
Actually I don't think that she knows it even in 9th episode

I'm pretty sure I read in one of the sides posted here that Charlie has a conversation with Annie about Liam, so that would mean she DOES know by the 9th episode - probably around the fourth, I'm guessing. This, of course, makes it all so much more ridiculous. I'm with you, Mary - I don't want to accept that she would knowingly date Liam's brother (whom he HATES). She was so worried about starting something with Liam because she didn't want to hurt Naomi, yet she's OK with starting something with Liam's brother even though it's going to devastate him? THAT MAKES NO SENSE! Naomi is not even a good friend of Annie's. Liam is (or, I guess now we should say was). So how can she be so cool and casual about hurting him like this?

Unless Liam does or says something so stupid and hurtful to her out of spite in the next episode that it not only pushes her further into Charlie's arms, but it makes her so mad that she doesn't care if she hurts him or not. I'm kinda hoping something like that happens. I think it would be kinda hot if Liam, instead of getting all mopey like he did with Naomi, just became a jerk to Annie for a majority of the season, and have her be a jerk right back to him - all the while, still making it obvious that deep down they want each other. All of that anger build-up would make for QUITE the hot reunion!
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
I'm pretty sure I read in one of the sides posted here that Charlie has a conversation with Annie about Liam

really ? I didn't notice that ? she spoke with him about Liam ? do you remember what scene it was (approximately) ? :o

So how can she be so cool and casual about hurting him like this?

Well , maybe she will think that he doesn't care about her (after all this bachelor auction) ? :)

All of that anger build-up would make for QUITE the hot reunion!
I'm totally FOR such twist , and IMO it has possibility to happen , since I think Liam will be very pissed finding out that his brother dates girl he LOVES!
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বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
do you remember what scene it was (approximately) ? :o

You really have to strain to read under the black lines, but it's the scene up at the top. Charlie says, "I was just being an immature idiot. And when I got caught, I blamed it on Liam. Planted the credit card on him." It then says, ANNIE REACTS.

This takes place in episode 4. :/
 [i]do আপনি remember what scene it was (approximately) ? :o [/i] আপনি really have to strain to read und
বছরখানেক আগে tvfan5 said…
Ohh noooo. That means that whatever rift Liam & Charlie had (apparently Charlie blamed Liam for something Charlie did..) isn't going to be a mystery to Annie...meaning she knows that they're brothers and they don't get along, and that Charlie did that to Liam and still likes him anyway. UGHHH.
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
so Charlie is not THAT good and innocent boy ? :o and still Annie chooses him ? ;( ...Writers better think seriously about the argument for Lannie fans , so that it would be believable , because the fact that Charlie CAN"T be compared with Liam is obvious!

Would be interesting to know how annie reacts :D hope not :"oh , you my poor little boy , how hard was your life , but it's not your fault , it's all Liam :P" ... that would be crap! :D
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বছরখানেক আগে caly10 said…
Hi everyone i've been away from here for couple days(my BAC ew!!)
What's going on? i'm so upset ATM,it's like a thousand of bad news has just fallen on me;i HATE Charlie,i read those recent sides and they did irritate me:>
I noticed that they'e on episode 10,i just don't know how to stand 8 Lannie-less episodes(and maybe more!!)
How many episodes this crap is gonna last??
And please i,m in SERIOUS need for good news to keep watching this show!!got some?!
last edited বছরখানেক আগে
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
Hi , Leen , you already in college ? :) Glad you come here :) ... yeah , same with me , looks like in one day we recieved bad news for further 5 episodes :D And I already hate Charlie too , maybe if other actor would be on his place I would like their match more , but these two just totally don't have chemistry and look awful together , bring Jasper back , seriously ! :D
I noticed that it's on episode 10

Nope , it's 9th , but it doesn't make feel better ;(

And please i,m in SERIOUS need for good news to keep watching this show!!got some?!

You should give a chance to bachelor auction (episode 4) , there will be cute lannie scene , I think it will be worth it :)
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
just read it , hope it's a stupid JOKE !
Joe Jonas going to be a regular on 90210
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
Lannie already get luckely 3 minutes of screen time , with one more regular it will be even less , plus HE IS POINTLESS! Enough singers already!Is it "America's got talent" or smth in that style show ?!
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বছরখানেক আগে caly10 said…
^agree with every single word you said.
JOE JONAS!!seriously? what next Miley Cyrus?
This is getting ridiculous:o
Plus this guy will be the youngest one in the cast,he'll look like a child in front of them xd
Hope it's a joke:/
বছরখানেক আগে tvfan5 said…
Luckily, he said 'recurring' not regular. OMG. I hope he isn't even a recurring guest star. I'd cry.
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
I don't think he'll be regular :/

How do you think , will we get apology from liam in 3rd episode ? ;(
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
Joe Jonas guest starring is just more proof that Adrianna needs to leave the show, like, RIGHT NOW! *eyeroll*

will we get apology from liam in 3rd episode ? ;(

I'm not sure - that would actually require some Liam and Annie interaction! :P I honestly don't know what to expect! I can't imagine that Liam would just let her walk away and give up on them so quickly. I can't imagine he wouldn't at least try once to get her to forgive him.

But maybe he'll see her with Charlie before he can get a chance to apologize, and he will decide not to. :/ I am SO looking forward to him seeing the two of them together for the first time, or finding out about them! Hope it lives up to my expectations.
বছরখানেক আগে tvfan5 said…
I know! I'm really excited to see his reaction when he sees Annie and Charlie together. :) AHH. I WANT JEALOUS LIAMMM <3 (only when it comes to Annie though!)
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
Me too! I want jealous, angry Liam. And even though it would be better than nothing, I DO NOT WANT him to ever be Mopey!Liam with this whole situation, like he was with Naomi. I don't want him to gaze longingly at Annie from afar and be all emo about not being with her. I want him to act out. I want him to fight Charlie for her. Like, a physical fight. I want him to do to Charlie what he did to Jasper! :P
বছরখানেক আগে DamonElenaFan said…
Joe Jonas guest starring is just more proof that Adrianna needs to leave the show, like, RIGHT NOW! *eyeroll*


I want him to fight Charlie for her. Like, a physical fight. I want him to do to Charlie what he did to Jasper! :P

YES , YES , YES, me tooo , oh , please writers !!! :D I hope Charlie will leave soon though :p
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বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
I hope Charlie will leave soon though :p

Not soon enough, I'm afraid! :(

So have you guys ever noticed that Liomi fans are crazy with their Annie hatred? People get so worked up over how much they hate her and think she's a bitch, slut, whore, murderer, boyfriend stealer. Honestly, when I read their posts in forums I can actually imagine them getting all worked up and pulling out their hair and foaming at the mouth. It seems so unhealthy. I mean, it's only a TV show! (In case you were wondering, I've just come from reading other forums where there was some Annie-hating going on. :P)
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
big smile
So have you guys ever noticed that Liomi fans are crazy with their Annie hatred?

Yeah , it's everywhere , honestly, I never saw any LIOMI fan who would say at least 3 good words about Annie , while I haven't noticed much hate from lannie fans directed on Naomi

I've just come from reading other forums where there was some Annie-hating going on
is it CW board , Tv fanatic or IMDB ? :D
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বছরখানেক আগে Crazy_LA_FAN said…
I would like to ask a question , I know it may sound stupid , but I just want to find it out for myself once and for all :D

If TV show is cancelled on CW , does it mean that we woun't be able to see it , for example, on other channels ?
I just completely don't understand this system :S
বছরখানেক আগে lanniefan said…
^ well , I think if it's cancelled then it's DONE , I don't really understand it either , because if the problem is connected with financing this show , then why they just can't collaborate with other channel ... but since everybody is so afraid of "CW cancel" it probably means MUCH!
বছরখানেক আগে ilyria said…
If the show gets cancelled, like lanniefan said, it's done. The only way it wouldn't be is if another network, like CBS, picked it up - but it's likely that nobody would. This is just a silly teen soap with poor writing and mediocre acting - it's perfect for the CW, but it wouldn't make it anywhere else.

is it CW board , Tv fanatic or IMDB ? :D

This time it was the IMDB boards. Honestly, I'm always surprised to see SO MUCH Annie hate going around. I don't know about you, but I love Annie. I just think a majority of the haters are Liomi fans that have been living vicariously through Liam and Naomi's relationship. And now that he's dumped her, it's like he's dumped all of Liomi's fans as well. It's pathetic, really. They're actually jealous, I think!
বছরখানেক আগে lanniefan said…
it's like he's dumped all of Liomi's fans as well

Now I actually see where from comes this sudden hate on Liam :)

This time it was the IMDB boards. Honestly, I'm always surprised to see SO MUCH Annie hate going around.

Me too , because let's face it , what is SO BAD about Annie ?
this maybe the bad comparison but still : why everybody loves Chuck Bass (GG , when he've done so awful things) and hate Annie ( who never did bad things meaningly and without a reason) ?
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
big smile
why everybody loves Chuck Bass (GG , when he've done so awful things) and hate Annie ( who never did bad things meaningly and without a reason) ?

That is what I was asking myself during all 2 seasons of GG , I could never stand Chuck and while people were saying how attractive he is , I was like :"OMG , I'm probably blind!"

I think the main reason why people don't hate him is that he is a GUY (we all know that most of teen drama show viewers are girls :P) , but for second time , I could never understand how people choose him over Nate :D :P

And I agree with Amanda about Annie , Liomi girls are just JEALOUS! :)
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বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
What do you expect girls to see in 3x03 ? (between Lannie , of course if you expect any Liam/Annie scenes :))

বছরখানেক আগে lanniefan said…
I would like to see Liam apologizing to Annie for second time , Annie turning him down (but being sad about it) , Liam finding out that Charlie and Annie became FRIENDS ( I still hope they won't be already couple in 3rd ep. - that's gross) , also I would like to see Liam and Dixon talk about Annie , by the way do you think Annie's brother knew about their hook-up ? :)
বছরখানেক আগে MaryElizabeth said…
I love your suggestions , that IMO what mostly can actually happen .... I would also like to see maybe "failed" kiss , but I know that it's much to be asked from writers ;(

by the way do you think Annie's brother knew about their hook-up ? :)

I wish he didn't , but I think he does ... Writers enjoy to CUT OFF interesting scenes *sigh* ;(