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Psy received a certificate from Guiness World Records.

In September, Psy had broken the world record set previously দ্বারা LMFAO with “Party Rock Anthem” for having the most amount of likes on YouTube. Currently Psy has 4,911,081 likes with “Gangnam Style“, as compared to LMFAO’s 1,574,963, Justin Bieber‘s 1,327,147 for “Baby“, and Adele‘s 1,245,641 likes for “Rolling in the Deep“.

The গিনেস World Records official headquarters are located in লন্ডন and with Psy’s visit to the United Kingdom, he was awarded with the certificate during his visit to BBC Radio 1. After receiving the certificate, Psy stated, “I’m honored. This it the first certificate I’ve had.. I never received one in school.”

Later that day, Psy tweeted,

"Achieving #guinness for the most liked video @YouTube!!! Yeah~~~"

Congratulations to Psy!
 Psy holding his certificate ~
Psy holding his certificate ~
Psy caused an অক্সফোর্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় student to cry with tears of joy.

On November 7th, Psy gave a lecture in front of 300 students at the prestigious অক্সফোর্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় in England. He talked about the success of “Gangnam Style” stating, “With the Gangnam Style I’m living in a dream and I’m living in a nightmare. So which means, make a speech at the অক্সফোর্ড Union, this is kind of dream. But nightmare means about the পরবর্তি one. I gotta beat Gangnam Style. I gotta beat 670 million views. I gotta beat horse riding dance. And I gotta beat the সঙ্গীত video. All that things like toilet scenes and আপনি know elevator scenes. How can I beat that elevator scene. It’s so nasty, right? How can I beat that.”

After the lecture, a female student came up to Psy and requested a hug. He obliged with a hug and she couldn’t hide her excitement even as she went back to her seat, crying with tears of joy.

Psy finished up the lecture দ্বারা dancing the horse dance with the students.
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Psy won 4 awards at MAMA 2012 "Mnet Asian সঙ্গীত Awards" The Awards are: Song of the year, Best সঙ্গীত Video,International পছন্দ Artist, Best Dance Performance-Solo.
gangnam style
right now
mama 2012
mnet asian সঙ্গীত awards
mama 2012 psy
psy mama 2012