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THE BEATLES 1967.-1970.
added by thrillergirl18
added by deedeeflower
added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
added by ktichenor
added by 80smusiclover1
posted by Rubyrings
For a moment, John just stared at Paul. Then he laughed.
"Get off, Paul. If it's 2014, how come we're not all livin' on the moon অথবা something?"
Paul gave a small smile, too, at that. "It didn't work out that way."
John couldn't believe this. Paul was putting him on, he had to be. How could he have fallen down in one বছর and woken up fifty years later? And yet - he remembered the তারিখ on the newspaper, and the strange world outside, and he couldn't think of a better explanation.
"They must have them time machines at least," he offered, "seeing as you're so calm about me appearing here right out...
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posted by Rubyrings
John got to his feet.
The thing he had been lying on, from what he could see, was shaped like a black-and-white sunflower. Though he had trouble telling for sure at this distance, it looked as though it had the word "Imagine" written on. Nice - though John couldn't think why this word in particular would be chosen for his tribute. অথবা why it wouldn't look আরো bright and cheerful. And why a tribute to him? He hadn't realized that the Americans had even known about the Beatles long enough to make a tribute to him. And why only him? Why hadn't they just made one for all the Beatles? But none of...
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My number one Beatles অনুরাগী was there when the Beatles came to America; she watched them on Ed Sullivan and told me stories all about it, the excitement she felt that night, the songs. Oh, yes she was there, she always tell me completely memorized.
My number one Beatles অনুরাগী passed on her 45’ Beatles singles to me which is where I learned why she loved them in the first place. She'd even sing along to the music. She even told about owning every Beatles trading card and record before losing them all in a flood but yet she remembered every song and picture, including her পছন্দ Beatle, George...
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added by australia-101
added by ইওর্কসায়ের রোজ
Source: pinterest
posted by 80smusiclover1

And thus, those exciting words from one of the commentators officially commenced the big event. All the seats had been occupied দ্বারা enthusiastic spectators who were ready to cheer for their favourites, Pattie and Laura (both of whom were dressed in special outfits) included. "Oh, boy! This is gonna be so much fun, mummy!" Laura said. "You're telling me, darling! That surprise will be worth the wait, too!" Pattie replied. "Mm-hmm!" Laura nodded.

Meanwhile, George was in his...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
দ্বারা the time nightfall hit, the guests had decided that it was time to head back home. As they gradually left the ballroom, they thanked George and Pattie for inviting them and wished the couple well once again. Before long, the only ones who remained were John, Paul, Ringo, Laura, and Sparkie while Spencer was busy cleaning up. George said, "Well, me mates, I can conclude that we have officially entered a new chapter in our lives. I'm veddy happy to be a married man!" Ringo replied, "We are, too, Geo. You've rightfully earned it!" Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Absolutely!"...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After capping off their meal with gelato cakes for dessert, George, Pattie, and Laura left the restaurant with their stomachs satisfied and hearts happy. They then decided to spend the পরবর্তি ঘন্টা walking around another corner of the রাস্তা so that their খাবার would be completely digested. Afterwards, they headed back to the hotel. George asked, "Pattie, now that Adam is gone, would আপনি like to stay with Laura and I in our room for the rest of our vacation?" She replied, "Absolutely, George! That's exactly what I've been thinking a while ago." George said, "Splendid! However, since we're not married...
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added by ktichenor
Source: pinterest
posted by Rubyrings
“When are we going to যোগদান John and Paul?” Ringo asked. “In... আপনি know where I mean. I’d like to be with them.”
“It’ll look too suspicious if we all leave for... that place,” George pointed out. “John would be too easy to find.”
They were sitting in a small café having breakfast, a place where not too many people came over wanting their autographs, but they were still careful not to mention the name of John’s hiding place as long as they were in public.
Ringo frowned. “So we’re not goin’ to যোগদান them? I’m not just leaving John at a time like this!”
“I don’t...
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