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posted by alicia386
I am pretty sure everyone in the world has at least one phobia. I found two but I didn't go through the whole thing. This তালিকা is only half of what I found. Shocking!

Ablutophobia – fear of bathing, washing, অথবা cleaning
Achluophobia – fear of darkness
Acrophobia – fear of heights
Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder – fear of places অথবা events where escape is impossible অথবা when help is unavailable. Fear of open spaces অথবা of being in public places. Fear of leaving a নিরাপদ place.
Agraphobia – fear of sexual abuse.
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Agyrophobia –The fear of crossing the road.
Aichmophobia – fear of sharp অথবা pointed objects (such as a needle অথবা knife)
Ailurophobia – fear of cats
Androphobia – fear of men.
Anthophobia – fear of flowers
Anthropophobia – fear of people অথবা the company of people, a form of social phobia.
Aquaphobia – fear of water. Distinct from Hydrophobia, a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water, as well as an archaic name for rabies
Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning
Atychiphobia – fear of failure
Autophobia – fear of being alone অথবা isolated
Aviophobia, Aviatophobia – fear of flying
Botanophobia - fear of plants
Blood-injection-injury type phobia – a DSM-IV subtype of specific phobias
Chaetophobia – fear of hair
Chemophobia – fear of chemicals
Chiroptophobia – fear of bats
Chromophobia - fear of bright colors
Chronophobia – fear of time and time moving forward
Cibophobia, Sitophobia – aversion to food, synonymous to Anorexia nervosa
Claustrophobia – fear of having no escape and being closed in
Coulrophobia – fear of clowns (not restricted to evil clowns)
Cyberphobia – fear of অথবা aversion to computers / Learning new technologies
Decidophobia – fear of making decisions
Dentophobia, Odontophobia – fear of dentists and dental procedures
Descendophobia – fear অথবা discomfort while descending stairs অথবা down a hill
Disposophobia – fear of getting rid of অথবা losing things – sometimes wrongly defined as "compulsive hoarding"
Dysmorphophobia, অথবা body dysmorphic disorder – a phobic obsession with a real অথবা imaginary body defect
Emetophobia – fear of vomiting
Ergasiophobia – fear of work অথবা functioning, অথবা a surgeon's fear of operating
Ergophobia – fear of work অথবা functioning
Erotophobia – fear of sexual প্রণয় অথবা sexual abuse
Erythrophobia – pathological blushing
Friggatriskaidekaphobia, Paraskavedekatriaphobia, *Paraskevidekatriaphobia – fear of Friday the 13th
Frigophobia – fear of becoming too cold

Gamophobia – fear of marriage, commitment
Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia – fear of bridges
Genophobia, Coitophobia – fear of sexual intercourse
Gerascophobia – fear of growing old অথবা aging
Gerontophobia – fear of growing old, অথবা a hatred অথবা fear of the elderly
Glossophobia – fear of speaking in public অথবা of trying to speak
Gymnophobia – fear of nudity
Gynophobia – fear of women.
Hadephobia (also stigiophobia and stygiophobia) - fear of Hell[3]
Halitophobia – fear of bad breath
Haphephobia – fear of being touched
Heliophobia – fear of sunlight
Hemophobia, Haemophobia – fear of blood
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – fear of the number 666
Hoplophobia – fear of weapons, specifically firearms (Generally a political term but the clinical phobia is also documented)
Homophobia – fear of homosexuals অথবা of homosexual relationships; homophobic
Hydrophobia – fear of water, frequently noted as a common symptom of rabies
Hylophobia – fear of trees, forests অথবা wood
Hypnophobia অথবা somniphobia – fear of sleep.
Ichthyophobia – fear of fish, including fear of eating fish, অথবা fear of dead fish
Ipovlopsychophobia – fear of having one’s photograph taken.
Lipophobia – fear/avoidance of fats in food
Mysophobia – fear of germs, contamination অথবা dirt
Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the dead
Neophobia, Cainophobia, Cainotophobia, Centophobia, Kainolophobia, Kainophobia – fear of newness, novelty
Nomophobia – fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Nosocomephobia – fear of hospitals
Nosophobia – fear of contracting a disease
Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia – fear of darkness
Obesophobia – fear of obesity
Oikophobia – fear of প্রথমপাতা surroundings and household appliances
Ombrophobia – fear of rain
Omphalophobia – fear of bellybuttons
Ophthalmophobia – fear of being stared at
Osmophobia, Olfactophobia – fear of bad odours
Panphobia – fear of everything অথবা constant fear of an unknown cause
Papaphobia – fear of the Pope
Pediophobia – fear of পুতুল (a branch of automatonophobia: fear of humanoid figures)
Phagophobia – fear of swallowing
Pharmacophobia – fear of medications
Philophobia – fear of love
Phobophobia – fear of having a phobia
Phonophobia – fear of loud sounds
Pteridophobia - fear of ferns
Pteromerhanophobia – fear of being on an airplane
Pyrophobia – fear of fire
Radiophobia – fear of radioactivity অথবা X-rays
Seismophobia – fear of earthquakes[4]
Sociophobia – fear of people অথবা social situations
Scopophobia – fear of being looked at অথবা stared at
Somniphobia – fear of sleep
Soteriophobia - fear of dependence on others [5]
Spasmenagaliaphobia (neologism; no official name) – fear of broken glass[6]
Spectrophobia – fear of ghosts and phantoms
Stygiophobia – fear of Hell
Taphophobia, Taphephobia – fear of the grave, অথবা fear of being placed in a grave while still alive
Technophobia – fear of technology (see also Luddite)
Telephone phobia – fear অথবা reluctance of making অথবা taking phone calls
Tetraphobia – fear of the number 4
Thalassophobia – fear of the sea, অথবা fear of being in the ocean
Thanatophobia – fear of death
Thermophobia – fear of heat
Tokophobia – fear of childbirth অথবা pregnancy
Traumatophobia – a synonym for injury phobia: fear of having an injury
Trichophobia – a morbid disgust caused দ্বারা the sight of loose hairs
Triskaidekaphobia, Terdekaphobia – fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia – fear of needles অথবা injections
Uranophobia, Ouranophobia - fear of Heaven
Workplace phobia – fear of the workplace
Xanthophobia – fear of the colour yellow
Xenophobia – fear of strangers, foreigners, অথবা aliens
Xylophobia, Hylophobia, Ylophobia – fear of trees, forests অথবা wood
Animal phobias
Main articles: Animal phobia and Zoophobia
Agrizoophobia – fear of wild animals
Ailurophobia – fear/dislike of cats
Apiphobia – fear/dislike of bees (also known as melissophobia, from the Greek melissa "bee")
Arachnophobia – fear/dislike of spiders and other arachnids
Bovinophobia – fear/dislike of cattle
Chiroptophobia – fear/dislike of bats
Cynophobia – fear/dislike of dogs
Entomophobia – fear/dislike of insects
Equinophobia – fear/dislike of ঘোড়া বিষয়ক (also known as hippophobia)
Herpetophobia – fear/dislike of reptiles and/or amphibians
Hippophobia – fear/dislike of horses
Ichthyophobia – fear/dislike of fish
Mottephobia – fear/dislike of প্রজাপতি and/or moths
Murophobia – fear/dislike of mice and/or rats
Ophidiophobia – fear/dislike of snakes
Ornithophobia – fear/dislike of birds
Ranidaphobia – fear/dislike of frogs
Selachophobia – fear of sharks
Scoleciphobia – fear of worms
Zoophobia – fear of animals
Non-psychological conditions

Photophobia – hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light
Phonophobia – hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds.
Osmophobia – hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors.
Biology, chemistry

Biologists use a number of -phobia/-phobic terms to describe predispositions দ্বারা plants and জন্তু জানোয়ার against certain conditions. For antonyms, see here.
Acidophobia/Acidophobic – preference for non-acidic conditions.
Heliophobia/Heliophobic – aversion to sunlight.
Hydrophobia/Hydrophobic – a property of being repelled দ্বারা water.
Lipophobicity – a property of fat rejection
Oleophobicity – a property of oil rejection
Ombrophobia – avoidance of rain[7]
Photophobia (biology) a negative phototaxis অথবা phototropism response, অথবা a tendency to stay out of the light
Superhydrophobe – the property প্রদত্ত to materials that are extremely difficult to get wet.
Thermophobia – aversion to heat.
Prejudices and discrimination

Further information: তালিকা of anti-cultural, anti-national, and anti-ethnic terms
The suffix -phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti-ethnic অথবা anti-demographic sentiment, such as Americanophobia, Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix "anti-" already exists (e.g. Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia. Sometimes the terms themselves could even be considered racist, as with "Negrophobia."
Other prejudices include:
Anglophobia – fear/dislike of England অথবা English culture, etc.
Biphobia – fear/dislike of bisexuality অথবা bisexuals.
Christianophobia – fear/dislike of Christians
Ephebiphobia – fear/dislike of youth.
Germanophobia – fear/dislike of Germans.
Gerontophobia, Gerascophobia – fear/dislike of aging অথবা the elderly.
Heterophobia – fear/dislike of heterosexuals.
Homophobia – fear/dislike of homosexuality অথবা homosexuals.
Islamophobia – fear/dislike of Muslims
Judeophobia – fear/dislike of Jews.
Lesbophobia – fear/dislike of lesbians.
Negrophobia – fear/dislike of Black people.
Nipponophobia – fear/dislike of the Japanese.
Pedophobia, Pediophobia – fear/dislike of children.
Polonophobia – fear/dislike of the Polish.
Psychophobia – fear/dislike of mental illness অথবা the mentally ill.
Russophobia – fear/dislike of the Russians.
Sinophobia – fear/dislike of Chinese.
Transphobia – fear/dislike of transgendered people.
Turcophobia – fear/dislike of the Turks
Walloonphobia – fear/dislike of the Walloons
Xenophobia – fear/dislike of foreigners অথবা extraterrestrials.
Jocular and fictional phobias

Aibohphobia – a joke term for the fear of palindromes, which is a palindrome itself. The term is a piece of computer humor entered into the 1981 The Devil's DP Dictionary[8]
Anachrophobia – fear of temporal displacement, from a Doctor Who novel দ্বারা Jonathan Morris.[9]
Anatidaephobia – the fictional fear that somewhere, somehow, a হাঁস is watching you. From Gary Larson's The Far Side.
Anoraknophobia – a portmanteau of "anorak" and "arachnophobia". Used in the Wallace and Gromit comic book Anoraknophobia. Also the শিরোনাম of an album দ্বারা Marillion.
Arachibutyrophobia – fear of চিনাবাদাম মাখন sticking to the roof of the mouth. The word is used দ্বারা Charles M. Schulz in a 1982 installment of his "Peanuts" comic strip[10] and দ্বারা Peter O'Donnell in his 1985 Modesty Blaise adventure novel Dead Man's Handle.[11]
NOOO!! I cried. Hot tears leaking down my face. Maybe I can still save him I thought. I wiped away my tears and put my hands over his unbeating heart. He was so cold. Please come back to me. Then my hand started to glow.

I felt joy, and warmth flow form me into him. Then his body started to glow brighter and brighter. I shielded my eyes. That’s when I felt it. The bond click into place Kyle Knight was now tied with my soul.

When the light faded I saw his chest moving up and down. Felt his hart beat strong and steady under my hand. His hand slowly covered mine. His eyes blasted open. I smiled...
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posted by 1999jacko
I was lying in my hospital room doctors surrounding me observing him waiting for a change I knew was coming, but yet I still managed to be a depressive bugger who would somehow baffle the doctors to the extent of breaking down crying in frustration," now Craig I need আপনি stop crying and relax so we can inspect your health with a few tests, okay how does that sound?," I slowly look up and try to stop the tears but the shadowy figures stand there shouting at me making me so angry, that I lash out at the nearest doctor knocking off his glasses and then punching him in the groin making him cry...
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Chapter One
A নিরাপদ Place to Hide
    Down in the town, humans lived their comfortable lives, untouched দ্বারা most of the world. Tonight, the weather is particularly bad. A blizzard moved into the area. It isn't fit weather for man অথবা beast. Yet, fighting her way through the swirling snow is something that is neither one nor the other.
    Nemesis, a healthy dragon of five centuries, fought to keep her course in the storm. She may have gotten a bit স্থুলকায় in her later years, but that won't keep her from her travels. The winds changed direction every few seconds....
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posted by Problematic129
    “No, no, no, no,” Terry assures. “Nothing bad is going to happen, Brook, অথবা it already would have, don’t freak out.”
    “I can’t help not freaking out, I mean, I think everything is going to mess up because of the everything is fine. It’s not fine!” I say.
    Terry tilted her head at me. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, and if it’s not, we’ll get through it.”
    I nod, “together.”
    Terry nods as she turns...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter 9: I Play Bad Cop And আপনি Play Good Cop

      Faye Martinez and Jason Rivers sat in Mr. Rivers' office in his house. They had readied everything for the interviews they were having that evening. They planned on interviewing anyone and everyone who saw Simone the দিন she vanished. This would take possibly all day. Faye had to literally drag Mr. Rivers from his luxury বিছানা and to his office. He was sitting in the dark, staring out the window, while on the floor. It was ridiculous. Simone always complained about how her father never truly loved her. It is obvious now how much he truly...
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posted by Problematic129
    “So we will not speak of অথবা mention the unspeakable event that took place last night,” Darren told us, looking like a stern teacher reprimanding his class.
    “For the hundredth time yes!” Edith shrieked.
    The sad part was that she wasn’t exaggerating.
    We were all on edge, super tension ran from the air, we had left the park with a dispirited mood. Not because of the stupid stone. Iris was supposed to call us when she got home, but the call never came so we called...
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Chapter Nine: Escape Artist Can Escape But A Group Of Students Can't Even Escape From Their School

      Everyone was ready for the escape plan the পরবর্তি night. If it was up to me we would have had everything ready within an ঘন্টা but tracking teacher schedules was harder then it looked. We were all set and ready to take off that night. I had learned that the school kept two emergency vans in the back. I nabbed the keys from the office when no one was around. I wonder how long it will take them to notice that a set of keys are missing. It was about midnight when our team assembled. Everyone...
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Welcome to the official/unofficial newsletter for everything Eden. This is where you'll hear about exciting new projects as well as general news of the planet Eden and my musings. Everything Eden is your উৎস for, well, everything Eden.
In this issue, I'll talk aabout the three serries of Eden বই that'll be coming soon. The first Eden book is expected to hit shelves in the পরবর্তি five to ten years, with others following soon after. Let's take a look.

The first volume in the Shadow trilogy deals with an evil present in all beings, called...
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Chapter Six: Two Goons, One Girl, One Man, and One Secret Room

      The door immediately slammed shut behind me. The one thing I never do is panic. It was the perfect time to panic but I had to keep my composure. I wondered if Darrell was able to escape. He couldn't possibly wait for me. He has the opportunity to escape and save himself. I took one step অগ্রবর্তী and tumbled down the stairs. It was so dark that I didn't even notice them. I had quick reflexives so I was able to stop myself before I crashed অথবা made a sound to ward off the intruder. A light switch was to my left so I flicked...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    No matter the coaxing, Stilere stayed stubborn, she wasn’t being left behind. আপনি see, it’s like really early in the morning, how early? Like friggin three a.m., that’s how! I am tired, and I certainly don’t want any spook in my life now.
    “I’m coming!” Stilere yelled defiantly, smirking when she saw Alex’s shoulder’s deflate. She’s won the battle.
    “Fine,” Alex said. “But be careful, oh and your on watchful tower.”
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Eighteen
Book Six- Zoe

      How did the battle end? Well, Shane kicked some serious butt. I wasn't so bad myself. The guards may have been ghost but they were pretty easy to kill. All আপনি had to do was kill hem like আপনি would kill a human. It was that simple. It was what made the battle even আরো serious then it already was. My sister. She killed herself. That is what it looked like. The odd thing was that The One was nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere in the দুর্গ but I couldn't find him. I soon gave up. He wasn't important. My sister was. The dream of my sister's grave...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, mystery and ফ্যান্টাসি :)~
Chapter 38
        The river that drowned tears
    I ignored the freaked out yells and warning’s as I went past the speed and nearly demolished the car, we couldn’t take our time, we had to be fast. We finally reached the river, which was very close to the river, and I turned off the engine and jumped out of the car running to the lake.
    I plunged deep into the water and I swam through it to find the victim, who I found though made me gasp. Jessica was tied to...
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posted by Annabeth788594
chapter one

When I was a little girl my dad suddenly left. I remember being really close to him. Sometimes he would act strange though. Like he never stayed in one place long and was always looking behind him like he thought someone was following him. And one দিন he ব্যক্ত he had to go for a little while, and he never came back. He was the best father I could ask for. He was kind and always did what was best for the family. And that is why it broke my হৃদয় to find out that he wasn’t coming back. At first I didn’t believe it and I didn’t want to. The only thing I wanted was my dad to come...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, mystery and ফ্যান্টাসি :)~
Chapter 35
        Qualities of a hero
    “I brought আপনি your পছন্দ foods, deserts, etc. Should hold আপনি for awhile.” Jess says, handing me a steamy plate.
    “What are আপনি planning on doing, Jess?” I ask, confused, but grateful she wasn’t starving us. “What’s your motive?”
    “Sorry, can’t give আপনি all of my secrets, you’ll know soon,” Jess paused. “But right now, eat, strengthen your bones.”
    I take...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~    
    Now, I don’t hate school, no, not at all. But the thought of going to it for a place of safety, especially with no one but creepy janitors in there, yeah, I’m not liking it.
    “How are we going to get in?” Brooklyn asked, eyeing the doors that, in morning look friendly and welcoming, but at night look dangerous and ready to gobble up innocent kids.
    “Oh, please!” Stilere said, looking at our faces. “You cannot be scared of school,...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy
    I hadn’t been really surprised when we broke apart after that weirdness, being with them brought back all those memories. But I’ve been beginning to feel a bit lonely, all of us really bonded that day, and it feels like were sharing a secret. The bad part is that we don’t even know the secret either.
    I still can’t stop thinking of that book, it just popped up from where the lightning hit. Something happened that made it do that.
    “Hey Zaria,” I say as I walk up to her.
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posted by hgfan5602
Ya tell me,
Don't dance, don't dance,
Just stay inside and never go out
And scold me
All দিন long, all দিন long

What makes আপনি think you're so damn awesome?
Don't ya know we have a life too, too?
We'd be sittin in watching TV
And I don't think আপনি want that either

So what the heck can we do?
We're not just mindless robots with nothing else to do
We don't have time for homework
We just wanna have fun, fun, fun

We have a life, no time for homework
We can go ahead and play flag football
But I'm not goin inside

Why do আপনি act like
There's nothin else better than
Doin homework all night long
I bet আপনি never liked that when আপনি were young

We've been playin outside
Now it's time to kick in and relax
No আরো time for homework, just sit back and do the things I প্রণয় to do
Cuz I gotta enjoy my life when I'm young.
posted by alicia386
Crime: Dectetive Story

Chapter 6: Two Missing People Makes A Certain Someone Happy

      Simone Rivers wore her blue strapless dress which made her look taller. She was already tall but she needed that extra height. She had her long blonde hair curled and wore the black wedges she recently bought. The whole outfits was around a seven hundred dollars but she wouldn't mention that to her cheap dad. She looked dazzling অথবা at least that is what all the boys thought when they whistled when she walked by. She took pleasure on having their attention. Nothing could stop her now. She felt powerful...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, mystery and ফ্যান্টাসি :)~

Chapter 27
        Creepy doesn’t even begin to describe
    “The drowning man? Seriously creepy, considering how she died.” Jess said, shivering. “They’ve got to be the number one suspects now.”
    “It probably wasn’t all of them, just a few, অথবা maybe even one.” Cadence said. “Think is, Dorothy was loved দ্বারা everyone, and in that vision everyone wanted to be her favorite, what gives?”
    “Who would...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 10
    The smell of young প্রণয় in the morning
    You’d all be happy to know that I never buried a certain Meredith Baxter, but I did accidentally hit her during our lovely game of ভলিবলখেলা fifteen times.
    “Hey JONES! Watch it!” She yelled furiously at me.
    “Oh sorry, I didn’t give a had enough smack,” I shrug as I put on my most innocent face.
    Meredith glared at me but ব্যক্ত nothing more.
    Don’t আপনি just প্রণয় the feeling of having the last word?...
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