Here is Some Supernatural উদ্ধৃতি Not Any উদ্ধৃতি Only the Funniest xD
hope আপনি like
1-Dean:“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.”
2-Andrea To Dean:“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
3-Dean:“Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap.”
4-Sam: "Why’d আপনি let me fall asleep?"
Dean: "Because I’m an awesome brother. So what did আপনি dream about?"
Sam: "Lollipops and ক্যান্ডি চকোলেট canes."
5-Dean:"Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis."
6-Missouri to Dean:“Boy, আপনি put your...
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